Shingles? On top of...
Rhonda Hendrix • August 18, 2020

...This Demon Illness, Psoriasis. 

I’ve rebuked it; you’ve prayed; I’ve prayed; we’ve all prayed!!

I’ve seen God’s power and Glory come through all of it. 

I was promised at the very beginning(October) to ”let it run it’s course; then you’ll be free” I have held on tight to That promise. With God Re enforcing it Every so often with words of encouragement and another confirmation of complete freedom from this auto immune disease with no “cure”- BUT GOD....
saying all of that leads me here.

We were scheduled for a full weekend in Louisiana for the N.L.A. quartet (trio) convention.😐 We got to see so many awesome friends. If I named names, I’d leave someone out; but my special little friend “Allie” was there and hugged my neck even tho I looked like a “freak” it was so sweet. God helped me get through our session Friday evening; but Saturday morning, realizing something else was going on...I wound up with SHINGLES and had to cancel our Saturday night and Sunday services. 

In 27 years of ministry we’ve cancelled 4x this being the 4th. 
I don’t like to do it but when “shingles” show up, not much else can be done. 
I'm staying close to my comfy chair this Memorial Day - taking herbs and medicine and anointing myself with silver gel and teifu oil!! It’s Working! 

Until I'm free, I'll Worship While I Wait!
-Rhonda H

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