Rhonda's Ramblings Summer 22'
Rhonda Hendrix • July 13, 2022

Hey!! I think this may be the first this year from me???

I can’t even remember it’s been too long for sure.
We DID have an online Facebook live 30th anniversary mini concert, back in February. Sat the 19th.

Dustin May long time member of our group (2different times ) equaling total of 7.5 years, came and blessed all of us with his outstanding talent. I forget how good he is, until I am privileged to sing with him again:)

Also, Renee and Jarvis Watson brought their boys and some Renee’s creation cookies; straight from her factory!! We were special!

Renee and Jarvis are an asset everywhere they go and serve.
Since that time, Bobby and I have had to be very talented and get a “trio” sound out of just us two. Haha. Let me tell you. It doesn’t sound exactly right, and we miss Ranessa more than she will ever know; but God called us a long time ago, and I want to faithful to the calling.

Speaking of Ranessa; she is taking a sabbatical from the group, for the most part, awaiting surgery for her back. She is not able to stand for any length of time; and even though we put a chair up on stage for her to sit; it is still very painful.

Having been diagnosed with bulging disc arthritis and degenerative disc disease, has not left her running any races that’s for sure!! She’s waiting on the government to approve an updated MRI; at which time - once they do that (Proverbs 21:1) she will have surgery. We are hoping it will correct the problem at least until Jesus comes to take us outta here!

Bro. Bobby is still working at Texarkana surgery center. Makes it close to 30 years for them. It’s a shame he can’t travel and work during the week and is sing on weekends!
I have my bag packed; when Jesus says go full-time; we will!!

To All of you that have supported us over the last 30 years; thank you! I may not tell you how much we love you; but hope the Spirit let’s you know, it’s gospel truth when We say it!

 Every penny you’ve given; every minute you’ve been attentive, to the song; every encouraging word you’ve spoken to us, has not and will not go in noticed by the Lord!

I will be very real and honest. I have been so discouraged at times this year; but God has been so faithful to me. He has done too much for me, NOT to continue to minister through song ; as we’ve been commissioned to do. The harvest is white; the trumpet is about to sound; may HE find all of us in the field working while we still have time, to take some with us!!

Get onboard!
Until then. Keep the faith.
Rhonda Hendrix

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