Time for family and friends. Lots of big meals, and many hours of cooking together. It was always a treat when I got to cook with my sisters. Pecan pies; dressing ( I was the prepper)all those foody dishes like cream cheese corn, green bean casserole; deviled eggs; avocado salad…. The list goes on.
But, invariably some are hungry BEFORE the big meal.
What a great idea!!! Early risers, Have a breakfast burrito! Sausage, eggs, potatoes, cheese, in a warm tortilla. Mmmmm
OR after those big meals and 3 warm ups later, let’s have a break…. How about a
moms kitchenette beef burrito.
Special spices, ground beef, rolled in a warm tortilla. ( even more special with Jenkins Juice salsa)
ALL burritos on sale $12 dozen straight across the board!
Store opens Nov 1-10 24 /7 - Pick up or delivery the week of the
20th of November.