Your Value to Him
Ranessa Hendrix • August 10, 2021

"You're not FAT you're beautiful."

"If you would lose about 75lbs you would be a much better singer."

"You're a hepher."

"I can't take you out on anymore dates until you lose 50lbs minimum."

"Men are visual, you need to work on your appearance more, then maybe someone will date you."

"I'm sick of people not doing anything to prevent their problems, you could be doing more, you could try harder to lose weight."

"I like you!" "Oh, thanks...Ghosted."

"You know, you would be so pretty if you would just lose some weight."

"You're not FAT, you're beautiful..."

These are only a handful of things people have said to me over the years. I am 28. A woman, no more growth spurts. This is IT - this is what you get. I have spent so many years fighting and mostly losing the battle in my mind that, "I'm going to be alone forever or I'm just never going to be good enough because of how I look." Or the lie that my value somehow is determined by my appearance.

Have you ever felt like this before? Maybe there's something about your body you would like to change. Maybe you don't like your hair, your nose, your arms, or maybe you have been told you're to skinny?

Found this little rap the other day on Social Media, If diet CULTURE were a person...

"Oh look, another young, impressionable girl. I can't wait for this one. A society evolved. We saw an opportunity. And to tell you the truth our plan has worked beautifully. BEAUTY, that's the thing, you see we set a standard. It's impossible, unattainable, and the approval that you're after. We praise a body type, an image that's ideal. And we sell you different diets, products, teas, and low-cal meals. The truth is nothing works, but we don't tell you that honey. Because as long as you're unhappy with yourself we're making money! Oh, and there's no end game. You see we make it tough. Over time our standards change, you'll never be enough. We're sneaky about it. We convince you you're the problem. When really you are perfect, but we brainwash top to bottom. It's time for me to go, I've got other girls to meet. But don't worry I'm not really gone. You'll see me in the streets. I disguise myself in magazines, social media, conversation...See that's the master plan, I'm all over this nation..." -CREDIT: Victoria Garrick.

Truth is there is a standard of 'beauty' in our society today, even in the church world. When I was growing up the boys flocked to beautiful little petite girls. They were perfect, they could sing and they were tiny. How was I to compare to that, right? WRONG, keyword being compared.

It has taken me 28 years to figure out some things and I want to share with you what God has taught me about myself, the culture of self-love and toxic thoughts.

1.) Anything negative you are feeling about yourself comes from the enemy. Whether it came from something someone said, the back of your mind making up scenarios, something you read, something you saw or heard. The enemy is doing EVERYTHING he can to get young girls to believe lies about themselves. Why? Because it makes them vulnerable to wanting validation...and to seek it out anywhere. 

I used to think that because I wasn't the first or even the 10th choice to the boys at youth camp that I must have been disgusting. Repulsive. My personality changed & I tried to compensate with being bubbly, fun and outgoing even though I was introverted, shy and nervous in big crowds. I was always the one introducing my beautiful friends to the boys or the boys would ask me for my friend's numbers. Negative feelings became negative thoughts and those became negative actions, a relationship with food in toxic ways. Eating less than 1200 calories a day and starving to death until I would binge eat. 

Do you know what Loneliness can do to a person over time? It can be a slow death and over time you don't even realize you're grasping. You don't even realize what's happening sometimes until you've gotten ahold of something that got ahold of you and you feel trapped because you were looking for love in all the wrong places. 

Mom & dad can't fill the void, family can't, boys can't, men can't, friends can't...even this illusion of 'SELF-LOVE' can't. Until you start to wake up and realize where the negativity comes from, Satan the LIAR of liars, then you can't correctly combat the problem.

2.) Listening to a false sense of positive thinking will not change how you feel. I've heard all the gurus and multi-million dollar influencers tell the world that you can achieve your goals by setting clear standards, saying positive affirmations every day and keep your head in a positive mindset through the use of meditation.

The Truth is, that's a false narrative and the ONLY thing that is going to keep the negativity at bay is a daily relationship with the Lord. Reading what His word says about you and how much HE loves you is the ONLY cure for negative thinking. His word tells us:

"I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well." - Psalms 139:14 NKJV

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." - Jeremiah 29:11

"Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." -Luke 12:6-7

3.) The world didn't give you your joy and the world can't steal it unless you let them. I've been around girls my whole life who take on what the 'world's standards' say about them and they turn it on themselves or others only to tear down their value with words. 

"I'm getting fat and it's disgusting." How about, thank you Lord for providing the food I have to eat. For allowing me to eat delicious food and feed the body you gave me? Since when does tearing down ourselves make us any skinnier, more beautiful or change anything at all? It literally gets you NOWHERE and closer to NOTHING.

4.) I'm sick of this false narrative in the church that if your 'single.' You are somehow incomplete or not doing enough. Let me be careful what I say here, don't get me wrong I fully believe in the institution of marriage.

I pray everyday for my future spouse. I WHOLE-HEARTEDLY hope that I can be married and have a family someday, but why does that seem to be the end all be all for most young people today? At a recent ladies event we had, the young girls below 25 became completely astonished at the idea that they may "never marry" or at the very least may not marry before 25. While I used to think the same exact thing to myself; something MUST be wrong with me if I'm not married by 25 with children. NO, WRONG. I'm 28, and I'm just now to a place in Christ that I fully know who and what I need in a mate. If I had made that decision on someone I was seeing when I was 21-24 I would have messed up my life and my future.

I think it's important to teach young women, that while being married is wonderful and a God-given desire we all will have, their purpose is first to "SEEK THE KINGDOM." Everything else will be taken care of by our Heavenly Father.

Have you ever been on your own? Lived by yourself without your parents and done your own dishes, paid your own mortgage or electric bill? Do you know how to save money, how about run a business? 

When did getting married because "the 'temptation' of sex may be too much and it's better to get married than make a mistake" become a thing? Shouldn't we be teaching teenagers-young adults what to do when their physical body is craving physical affection? That's not something I was EVER taught. How to deal with desire. 

The bible says, "Flee fornication (sexual immorality in some translations). Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication sinneth against his own body."

I Corinthians 6:18 KJV.

Some things we don't talk about in the church world are the many Avenues for sexual immorality. Do you know how easy it is for kids to get access to impurity right from their smart-phones? And what about masturbation? I asked confidants growing up what the Bible said about it, and 9 times out of 10 their answer was, "I'm not sure." Do you see a problem here? 

I agree there is a fine line between education, teaching biblical principles and just giving them the wrong ideas, but they are going to learn it. If they don't learn it from the right sources it's too easy to get things twisted the way the devil would have them believe it. After that it's too late and innocence is lost forever. 

Marriage is not a CURE for sexual desire. Nor is it a cure for Loneliness.

If you can't know who you are in Christ, your purpose for being on this earth as an individual and what your ministry is then how do you know that person is the person God has for you? I once heard someone say, "Marriage does not improve your singleness, it merely exposes it."

Who you are 90% of the time is who you are still going to be after marriage. I don't believe it's healthy for young people to marry simply because they are afraid of being alone. You need to come to a place where being alone is your time of refreshing, and refilling not something to dread.

Please don't feel I'm bashing any particular principle. I am simply trying to provoke thoughtful discussion and get you to realize your value comes from Christ and CHRIST alone. Not whether or not your married or single.

I'm not perfect. I do not claim to be perfect. I have failed at everything I named in this article more than once. However, if we are not striving to do better, to be better to be more like Jesus every single day then we will become stagnant. 

If we don't call out these problems for what they are then it's too easy to fall victim to the world's standard of 'VALUE', to the enemy's lies about YOUR VALUE. The TRUTH is no matter who you are, where you've been, what you may look like, YOU MATTER TO JESUS and He loves you with an unconditional love that I couldn't begin to describe with my feeble words. 

As I type this I am praying for anyone who reads this to feel loved, to feel worthy, to know that those endless tears you may have cried because you felt like you were never good enough are not wasted. Jesus sees you, and He loves you, I love you and if you need prayer please reach out <3

Until next time, 

Ranessa H.

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