Rhonda's Ramblings Summer 2023
Rhonda Hendrix • June 6, 2023

I Apologize for the RAMBLING Lapse...

I can’t believe Christmas will be here a little over 6 months. I have let my RAMBLINGS lapse and for that I apologize! 

Bro. Bobby says I haven’t let up at all. Hehe

January blew in with the busy signal going wild!

The Hendrix Trio HOMECOMING “Gaither format” choir 2023, started practices for our homecoming concert slated for late February. We are celebrating 31 years of ministry in February. Hard to believe.

bobby hendrix winning musician of the year award at the gmaa

In the latter part of January we normally get to participate in the GMAA convention, on Saturday night, and this year, bro. Bobby accepted the award of “favorite musician!” It was such an honor.

The Sunday morning after he won that, we were honored to be in service @ MELISSA CHURCH of GOD in Melissa TX. It had been 18 years since we had been there, and many memories later, the hospitality was still the same & The Montgomery family is doing a great job at hanging in there, and letting God do a great reset; renewal; refill, and revival at Melissa.

Then, Sunday night we found our way over to McKinney and the fine folks at TABERNACLE of PRAISE. Pastor Judd & the congregation know how to worship & we felt right at home.

God Healed some in the service that night, and we believe he has many miracles for his people, we LOVE being right in the middle of it all.

Bobby and I decided to sing at WINDSOR COTTAGE assisted living in T-town, one Saturday and had the grandest time, just being US. Lots of new friends were made and even some old acquaintances were not forgotten! 

FEBRUARY rolling around, with the count down.

FINALLY. The big night. Feb 25, 2023.

Every individual that participated said it was the best homecoming concert yet.

Those who attended, said “ditto!” The groups that were featured, ALL did an outstanding job, and I still have people 5 months later tell me how much they enjoyed the concert.

MARCH marched right in with gusto, and the first part of the month found us at EVANGEL FAMILY OUTREACH. My, my, my. What a great altar service. 

The last time we had been there was right before my momma had passed away, in 2016. 

The Spirit moved on Pastor Jay & he told me he saw the spirit of my momma and my daddy rest on me. THAT was a BIG responsibility to shoulder! Since then, I’ve taken my place in the ministry much more important than I ever have before.

APRIL already? Loving the weather. Made our debut at Del City Sing on that one foolish day. It was not an April Fools’, when we said we had a great time!! Loved getting to sing with the NEW TULSANS too.

We tied into them and they so graciously allowed us to use their system. Ms. Vera is precious! We fell in love with her!

After the booking agent (yours truly) was fired and rehired….we met friends at Trinity Pentecostal Church in Siloam Springs, where Our former Music Ministers had taken a pastorate . We found out one thing. There are Short nights in Siloam Springs!! Awesome alter service, with many touched and only God knows what all DID take place.

MAY stormed down upon us; literally! We all thought we were gonna “blow away”, oh Glory , & WAKE up in GLORY! Was SCARY to say the least. In an RV you hear and feel every gust. One way to have cooler weather though, when One air conditioner is out, the one kept us pretty cool with all the clouds and rain. Halleluyer.

We got to be with Bro. Al, and the Crowley Assembly of God family. Not only did we have a great service, met new friends from South Africa, and the pastor and some of his people took us to eat Mexican food at one of the best! Thoroughly enjoyed all the great fellowship.

Then MOTHERS day weekend arrived with a quick stop off at Wylie Opry, on Friday evening. LaGrant is still holding down the fort! Met new friends and felt like family.

Mother’s Day at WESTWORTH Village Baptist Temple was wondermus. Bro. Bob is one of the most humorous preachers and we enjoyed every minute! 

The Air conditioners worked awesome, then this weekend , the front one decided to backslide on us, after getting the back one repaired this past week! Ain’t life abundant?

Our first weekend in June began with a new experience for us all. Back in March,

EVANGEL family Outreach invited Ranessa and myself to speak at their first Ladies Conference, this weekend.

I spoke on Friday & Ranessa Saturday morning.

I was scared to death! 

Never having done anything like it before, I certainly was thankful when the Spirit did the talking! HE is so faithful and I am so nothing! Aren’t we all?

Ranessa did an outstanding job as the ladies responded to the “ RE” weekend. 

We ALL got REwound & REset. Even bro. Bobby will get RE warded, For his hard work.

We invited the talented Maeghan Koehn to go with us, and help take the load of the alter service off of me. I’ll have to say she proved to be a HUGE asset and blessing! You know one is really CALLED into ministry, when you can travel with only one a/c, and still come out looking fresh!! No complaints from her. We told her we were gonna get her a “will sing for food” sign. So,Our friend & roadee mr. Bobby along with his son, Josiah made the sign. You see her owning it!

This morning wraps up our first weekend out for June. 

We not only re united with friends in Olney, the 125 year old First Baptist, still holds a special place in our hearts. Bro Chad and sis. Melissa are some of our favorite people. Our prayer is that the Lord will bless the work there & continue it to grow for the kingdom.

FUTURE concerts hosted by Hendrix Trio coming up. Mark your calendars please? And share with your senior adults?

Grandpa’s Place legacy concerts and RDH promotions bringing great talent to Texarkana. Saturday July 29 @ 5:30pm

FreeLife Church


Friday NOVEMBER 17. 

National recording artists 11th hour.

FreeLife Church Texarkana TX.

Trust me. You all will love them!

 A donation @ the door + a love offering.

As I close this one out, check out our playlists on our YouTube channel. The Hendrix Trio

I’ve been uploading a lot of old videos there. I also have Rhonda Cam’s in abundance, if you ever need a good laugh.

Our wedding video will be available soon. Friends of HT has multiple small videos of our friends we’ve sang with over the last 31 years. Clips and snips of them.

Until next time. Keep RAMBLING on!

Rhonda Hendrix 

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