Rhonda Hendrix • September 9, 2023

Sum'mer here, sum'mer there...

Hooten's Monthly hosted Gospel
Maeghan Koehn sings

We’ve been keeping the road HOT & the RV generator has been having backsliding spells, from the said HEAT.

After we got home in June from west Texas and beyond; Ranessa turned 30; Hendrix trio helped celebrate grand Summer opening @ Gateway Farmers market, here in town. WE Always have a great time. Maeghan Koehen came and sang a few, which we are so grateful she don’t mind being seen with us older folks!

Father’s Day came and went, I’ll have to say, I thank God for my children’s dad and my Son; Ryan; for being such a great Dad as well. Bobby taught him well.

The Last weekend in June; we had the privilege of singing over at Seven Points Baptist, in Cedar Creek.

You don’t know where that is probably.

Don’t feel bad; our GPS didn’t either! We finally made it and had an awesome soul saving service. They be bapticostal folks right there!

Thank you Pastor Lewis for opening your doors for the musical gospel. Our duet friends “Saved By Grace”did an outstanding job along with “Heaven Sound Harmony”. They also let us use their NICE Sennheiser”microphones; and since our 8 year old ones were on the blink, it put the desire in our hearts! The word says “he will give you the desires of your heart….”
Ours arrived a few weeks ago!! Woohoo. Thank you Jesus!

Spent the rest of the night close to Sanctuary of Praise in West Fort Worth. Bro Clayton and Terri Phillips; are some of our favorite visiting buddies. Had a great service, and many were healed, through the WORD.
They are Ours!! By the way….Those promises in the word.

Independence family day

There’s a great church called “Knob Hill” not too far from Azle, TX. They have a family day service, the weekend prior to Independence Day. Outside. It was WARM. Warm, Hot! But.

Bro. Shaun and Beth Barrow, along with the great family of God; made us feel welcome, and even with the Heat; we felt the spirit. The evening was so much fun!

 I will say…. IF you keep your Cotten dress wet, or damp; the fans on stage, keeps ya much cooler! lol

July 1 hit with a vengeance, and we got to sing for the great people @ Sanctuary of Hope in Fouke for their 4th of July celebrations. Bro. Johnathan and the church family treated us royally. A lot of our local friends came out and supported us & weathered the heat with us!

 Thank you to all who showed up!

I’m glad I still have freedom to worship the way I want to.

we celebrated our youngest grand girl's 2nd birthday, with BOBBY AND RANESSA both being sick. Milana is a HAM, and big sister GRACELYNN just sites quietly by, and DOTES on her. Aren't they the most fun ever??

ReDefined quartet

The rest of July was a little quieter; I didn’t say less busy, but a little quieter. RDH promotions and Granpa’s legacy concert hosted ReDefined @ FreeLife church, the last Saturday night, and we had a blast!

Those of you that got to attend, were blessed. We had about 300 more chairs available, but, I’m so grateful for those that DID get to come!

Thank You Putnam Trio for setting sound; and Maeghan For blessing us again, with your talents. 

The RV generator decided to be like the Aggie and the blinkers. “Now it’s on, now it’s NOT on, now it’s on, now it’s NOT on!”

After the hosted concert, in the heat, Hendrix Trio left for Pittsburgh Tx, to be in service with  “Victory Church”. And victory was in the church!! Awesome service. God ministered. We got to partake of that blessing & share in the rejoicing!! Thank you all for the wonderful MEXICAN MEAL!

After baby sitting the Generator; it finally backslid totally and wouldn’t run on the way home Monday. I kept cold rags in the freezer and switched them out for us, to survive.

Also, even the dogs enjoyed the spray water bottle. 😜 occasionally. 

Speaking of DOGS. Our little Memphis went blind and was falling down, couldn't find his way in the back doggie door, etc....WE made the decision to let him go. YOU ARE MISSED LITTLE MAN.

The blessings far out weigh the rough times, so I won’t complain. Especially when God blesses us with special friends like The Hootens.Donnie Hooten is a “hoot!” We got to be special guests at their monthly concert series in the first part of August. The Lord interrupted the concert with HIS wonderful presence, and MANY came forward for prayer. God is still performing miracles!

Monday; the 7th of August; we were privileged to worship @ revival with LifeHouse, right here in town at their revival, with Bro. Todd Reed. He and Debbie are a huge blessing! Debbie sang “I’ll fly away” with us. (She gave Ranessa vocal lessons years ago) bro. Josh Ross sang “he knows my name” with us, and then Tijuana Boswell (our interim music minister at church) sang a song with us written by a friend of ours “ Even to the end”.
I was thankful they all came along beside us and held. My voice was about GONE!

soapy head.

Hendrixtrio don’t get into Oklahoma very much, and are so thankful for the open doors, He’s began to open for us.

We had an interesting; exciting; Devil chasing weekend a couple of weeks ago.

Started out on Saturday night @Ponca City Gospel Opry. Our laptop with our music never would power up. Black screen; wouldn’t do anything.

So while I ran to Walmart with Ms. Vickie (promoter) to get adapter for I-phone to play music from the cloud.

Meanwhile, back at the RV,  bro. Bobby hops in the shower really fast, soaps up, turns on water, and pump won’t come on. He’s having to rinse with bottled water. Haha hehe.. we blamed it on being bad Oklahoma roads that jiggled the loose fuse right on out!

It was promptly replaced and we had water the rest of the weekend.

BTW. The emergency IPhone adapter never would work…. So, we sang with JUST a keyboard, and Jesus. Sometimes it's a blessing when things don't work just right. HE reminded us real quick… He’s all we need anyway!

Upward Call ministries the next morning in Blackwell OK, responded to the altar call; and Jesus ministered; to young and old alike. Thank you Lord.

Over to House of Prayer across town in Blackwell; we made many new friends; Again; the altars were full.  WE as part of The body of Christ realize our redemption is SO near! He’s trying to encourage us ALL to “stay tuned!”

Until next time…. I’ll Keep on rambling.

-Rhonda Hendrix

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