How can we love ourselves if we don’t love Jesus, our Creator? How can we love Jesus fully without knowing WHO He is?
I was so guilty of this. I thought I got enough Bible because I was in church so often growing up. I didn’t think I needed to read it everyday like the little song goes..”read your Bible, pray everyday & you’ll grow, grow, grow.” The reverse of that song was the truth in my life...I just couldn’t see it until it was too late. “Neglect your Bible, forget to pray & you’ll shrink, shrink, shrink...” I shrank into my inward thoughts, anxieties, battles in my mind & problems I couldn’t bring myself to talk about openly with anyone.
I lost the battle for self-confidence because I wasn’t fighting the war anymore. I had left the battlegrounds & given in to the enemy’s lies. Without a savings account full of scriptures to draw from in my weakest moments I was empty & therefore couldn’t give answers to my peers.